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Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES

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Want to study medicine, be an electric car technician, or a chef? Putnam | Northern Westchester BOCES has programs to prepare you for that. Need a forum for athletic directors, assistant principals, or superintendents to discuss issues particular to them? BOCES has that too. Want to inform staff about the most advanced safety services and protocols for schools? BOCES offers that service as well.

With its mission of Service and Innovation through Partnership, PNW BOCES offers a broad range of services to its 18 component school districts and beyond. Among others, these include:

  • State of the art special education facilities for students from ages 5 to 21;
  • A Career and Technical Education Center offering more than 40 college, career and job prep programs in areas such as architecture, cosmetology, construction, electricity, engineering, graphic design and more;
  • Management programs such as professional learning, OLAS (our online application system), School Communications and Regional Safety.

For a glimpse of our programs, click on any of the links below or check out our newsletters via the links on the left.