Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES)
The Board of Cooperative Educational Services is a regional education agency established in 1948 by the state legislature. There are 37 BOCES in New York State. They act as regional centers to support local school districts, offering quality, cost-effective programs and services. BOCES has no direct taxing powers. It is supported by payments from local school districts for requested services and through state and federal funding. Local districts receive state aid for the BOCES services they use. Each BOCES is governed by a seven-member board, elected to three-year terms by members of local school boards. The District Superintendent serves as the chief executive officer of BOCES and as a liaison between the NY State Commissioner of Education and the component districts served by BOCES.
WPSBA supports two BOCES within our region - Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES and Southern Westchester BOCES. To learn more about what they offer, see the pages that follow.