Student Board of Education Members

Youth Impact at the board table
  • Panel at 2024 Annual Dinner

    In June, 2024, Regent Fran Wills moderated a group discussion focusing on what student board members have learned from their experience. She spoke with current and former student BOE members Elianna Carvalho (Hastings-on-Hudson), Kai Dirksen (Hastings-on-Hudson) and Molly Levitt (Croton-Harmon). The panel provided excellent advice for all school boards whether they are considering the addition of student board members or working to make current student BOE ex-officios more effective.

    • How students are chosen for the role varies by school district. Hastings requires a written application and interviews by the current student BOE members. Alternatively, the students elect their representative to the BOE in Croton-Harmon.
    • From their experiences, student members suggested several ways to onboard student members and to make them part of the governance team: invite student members to the BOE summer retreat; all read and discuss school governance books/articles (e.g., The Governance Core by Campbell & Fullan); meet regularly with the Superintendent or Board President; and occasionally attend Board sub-committee meetings.
    • Student BOE members talked about how they have learned about organization management, educational policy, and have personally improved their public speaking skills and gained a broader perspective on their school district.
    • Effective student board members feel as though they are both representing student voice at the board table, while simultaneously providing a broader, Board-level perspective to fellow students through regular reporting to student government.


    Governor Hochul has since signed bill S.9018, requiring all school boards to add ex-officio student members by July 1, 2025.

  • A Seat at the Board Table (ASBJ - Jan 15, 2024)

    Serving on school boards gives students a voice in their schooling and helps school leaders to better understand and support them

    student taking oath

  • NY Senate Bill S9018

    Allows for the designation of students as ex officio members of school boards and clarifies what such ex officio members are permitted to do.

    As noted above, this has been signed by the Governor.