Southern Westchester BOCES CTE programs prepare students with the skills to succeed

  • Do you know the field of work you want to pursue but don’t know where to start? With Career and Technical Education (CTE), high school juniors and seniors will gain insights into their chosen career paths and the knowledge they need to be successful. At Southern Westchester BOCES (SWBOCES), our instructors are experts in their fields and provide critical hands-on training that prepares their students for real-world careers.


    Programs are designed to provide career readiness and keep up with the evolving needs of the workforce. CTE students have the ability to choose from a variety of programs that will train them to be successful in their chosen fields. They will obtain training specifically tailored to their career interests and needs and are provided with the learning opportunities necessary to prepare them for a prosperous career.


    SWBOCES’ instructors provide field trips and guest speakers who are industry professionals, and they collaborate with local colleges, industry partners and other institutions of higher learning to keep courses in line with industry standards. Students have the chance to visit local colleges, production studios, hospitals, and various sites throughout the region that offer insights into their potential futures. Industry professionals who are masters in their fields frequent SWBOCES’ campus so those enrolled in specific programs can network and make valuable connections. Students also gain insight into higher education opportunities that are available to them.


    Those who complete their chosen program will either continue their education or enter directly into the workforce with the knowledge and passion they need for a rewarding future.


    Programs available are:

    Animal Science


    Automotive Technology


    Collision Technology

    Commercial Arts




    Culinary Arts

    Electrical Construction

    Emergency Medical Services

    Fashion Design and Merchandising

    Nursing Assistant


    Security, Law, and Policing

    Sound Production

    TV/Video Production 

    Learn more at, where you can drill down and learn about specific career and technical education programs. Have a question? Give us a call at 914-761-3400.